Development and investigation of methods for medical images processing, recognition, protection, and storing in distributed computer systems

As a result of the project, methods for processing, recognition, and protection of medical images have been created. Within the framework of creating methods for processing and recognizing medical images, a method for segmenting medical images obtained using medical equipment with the allocation of objects of interest for diagnostic purposes and a method for training fuzzy neural networks were developed. Highly effective methods for classifying objects in medical images have been developed as well.

Methods and Systems for Managing Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sensors, Telecommunications Ground Nodes and Aerial Platforms in an Emergency Zone

The Goal of the research work is to develop methodology and technical proposals for providing reliable communication and timely and high-quality information of search and rescue works in the emergency area on the basis of the use of wireless sensor networks with mobile sensors, telecommunication ground nodes and aero platforms and their efficient management while providing structures-functional connectivity of mobile sensors in conditions of their fast and unpredictable movement.

Control system of navigation complex of light armored cars

A new scientific concept, new methods and means of improving the control system (SC) of the instrument navigational complex (NK), stabilizer, light armored vehicles (LBM) have been created. Achieved the increase of accuracy and speed of measurement of the parameters of the TC NK of the modern LBM more than 2 times. New mathematical models of IC stabilizer work, formulas, algorithms, estimation of parameters of motion are obtained. A new automated control system of the stabilizer LBM has been developed.

Methodology for multi-class diagnostics of complex spatial objects

Methodology of multi-class diagnostics is developed for complex spatial objects with welded and / or riveted joints of elements in case of occurrence and development of multi-site damages on the basis of methods of multi-class recognition and information technologies, methods of estimation and prediction of change of technical condition of objects.

Methods and means of optimal control of hydroelectric power plants, power units and RES in case of changes in frequency and power flows in the integrated power system

The method of synthesis of optimal regulators of multidimensional, nonlinear systems, which are able to solve the problems of systemwide management of transient modes of the united electric power system (UPS) in real time mode, taking into account the restrictions on the resources of the means of regulation and the allowable limits of deviation of the regime parameters by forecasting the vectors of future states of the nonlinear system with the subsequent quadratic optimization with the given restrictions, has been developed

Complex energy supply systems for the autonomous objects based on the renewable energy sources

The autonomous power supply system for local object based on the photovoltaic panels and a buffer battery has been developed. Such system allows to balance the generation and consumption of energy. A mathematical model of the functioning of a complex power supply unit based on renewable energy sources has been developed. This model takes into account the climatic and meteorological conditions of the locality for determination of the optimal ratio of the installed capacities of different sources, and a generalized model of the coordinated operation of the generating equipment and the storage subsystem

Dynamic models of energy flows of buildings are in the context of functioning of the engineering’s systems and business activity of users

Functionality of Smart Houme has certain limitations, among which is the inability to analyze the activity of the residents, determine its impact on energy consumption, identify the physical state of the user by his activities. There are no solutions that would be able to solve this
problem today. One approach is to use the activity analysis of binary motion sensors. The advantage of this approach is the low cost of implementation and privacy of the residents. The system functions in real time.

Development and research of superheated liquefied gas feeding system for internal combustion engines

A new technical solution is proposed that improves and simplifies the mixture process using the flashboiling effect and superheating. An experimental model of the developed liquefied gas engine power system in the liquid state is designed, which allows to improve the energy and environmental performance of the engine, to reduce the consumption of expensive traditional fuel and to bring cheap environmentally friendly gas fuels to the engine.

Complex energy supply systems for the autonomous objects based on the renewable energy sources

The autonomous power supply system for local object based on the photovoltaic panels and a buffer battery has been developed. Such system allows to balance the generation and consumption of energy. A mathematical model of the functioning of a complex power supply unit based on renewable energy sources has been developed.

The development of the diagnosing toolkit for guaranteed operation of the complex technical systems in the conditions of the uncertainties and destabilizing risk factors

Algorithmic toolkit for system estimation and forecasting of the guaranteed CTS functioning are proposed, the basis of which is the information platform for technical diagnostics. Algorithmic toolkit for guaranteed CTS operating implements the proposed concept and strategy for solving the problem of guaranteed CTS operating under the influence of destabilizing risk factors and uncertainties of various nature using the principle of timely identification of causes and preventing the transition to an abnormal mode with the estimating the margins of permissible risk for CTS indications.
