The development of energy-efficient process for the high-temperature processing of bulk carbon materials in electric furnaces

The physical and mathematical models of the dynamics of the dense motion of a granular medium and the thermoelectric state of a single-phase mine electric furnace during high-temperature heat treatment of carbon material are formulated, on the basis of which the corresponding discrete and continuum numerical models of the physical fields of the electric calciner are developed taking into account the dense motion of the granular medium and chemical interaction.

Development of on-line platform for analysis and scenario planning of sustainable development of Ukrainian regions in the context of quality and security of people's life

The purpose of the work is to increase the completeness and effectiveness of analytical and information support of the management decision-making process (in the form of mid-term and long-term strategies and sequences of government actions) aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of regions and Ukraine, as complex socio economic objects, expense of developing new and improving existing systems analysis, big data mining, foresight, scenario planning and management and online platform for their application in situation center mode.

Aluminum two-phase heat transfer systems with steam and liquid separation for energy efficient technologies

Comparison of designs of heat exchangers with smooth-walled aluminum grooved heat pipes (AGHP) with a diameter of 8 mm and finned AGHP with an outer diameter of 43 mm. The use of smooth-walled AGHPs, on the one hand, results in a larger number of them in the heat exchanger compared to the finned AGHPs, but, on the other hand, results in a smaller pressure drop in the channels. On the basis of the experimental data, dependences were obtained for the calculation of the coefficients of heat exchange and aerodynamic resistance for a heat exchanger with smooth-walled AGHPs.

Aluminum two-phase heat transfer systems with steam and liquid separation for energy efficient technologies

Comparison of designs of heat exchangers with smooth-walled aluminum grooved heat pipes (AGHP) with a diameter of 8 mm and finned AGHP with an outer diameter of 43 mm. The use of smooth-walled AGHPs, on the one hand, results in a larger number of them in the heat exchanger compared to the finned AGHPs, but, on the other hand, results in a smaller pressure drop in the channels. On the basis of the experimental data, dependences were obtained for the calculation of the coefficients of heat exchange and aerodynamic resistance for a heat exchanger with smooth-walled AGHPs.

Research of scientific and technical basis of communication software-defined radiosystem creation

The work was aiming to develop the scientific and technical bases for the creation of a new generation of software-defined radio systems for telecommunications systems of 4-5 generations, which will be based on the application of new technologies for the construction of radio transceivers, digital signal processing and the organization of effective interaction of system, hardware and application software.

Intractable problems of combinatorial optimization and the theory of PSC-algorithms

The work continues a series of works devoted to the development of the theory of PSC-algorithms and to the creation on its basis of models and methods of scheduling, operational planning, and decision-making in complex socio-economic systems with a network representation of technological processes and limited resources.

Physicochemical bases of low-temperature synthesis (700 - 1500 оС) of ultra-refractory high-strength reinforced ceramics and metal-ceramics of multifunctional application

An integrated approach to the creation of scientific physicochemical foundations of the process of synthesis of large polycrystalline samples or products of reinforced ceramic high-temperature materials at low temperatures is implemented, which involves the use of a capillary-porous body with predetermined structural-geometric characteristics of pore channels as a medium for growing fibers reinforcement (the first at the level of separately taken powder particles from which a capillary-porous t is made) ceramic composite.

Creation of technologies of plastic deformation of homogeneous and powder materials in conditions of superplasticity for maintenance of a resource and reliability of the high technology products

Design and technological classification of standard blades of modern gas turbine engines is developed. Selected typical elements of solid and hollow blades for which tasks are set for the development of manufacturing technologies.

Tools of asymmetric response to hybrid aggression in the humanitarian field

The problem of the scientific work is the absence of asymmetric response tools to the threats of the hybrid warfare in the areas of possible aggressive manifestations: in literature, media, cinema, history, psychology, public administration, diplomacy, relations with the diaspora. The absence of the established mechanisms and means of information confrontation threatens national security, territorial integrity, economic prosperity and sustainable development of the state.
