Tymchyk Gregory S.

Тимчик Григорій Семенович - д.т.н., професор, провідний науковий співробітник кафедри виробництва приладiв, ПБФ.


Measuring instrument of determination of microhardness and surface roughness of the details automatically on CNC machines

A new concept of constructing an automatic hardness gauge and a surface roughness meter has been created, unlike existing methods, it adheres to its TONTOR measurement technique. New approaches to obtaining microhardness and surface roughness of precision workpieces are based on the physical and mathematical principles of TONTOR technology, which involves measuring the parameters of interacting objects with respect to their field structures.

Creation of control and measuring system for position of cutting tools at workspace of the machine tools

The technical proposals for the manufacture of new information and measuring system based on the principles of two-parameter control and distance measurement and control positioning objects in the workspace of process equipment; methodology for new technology controls the distance the tool to the workpiece during processing on the basis of complex electromagnetic fields of different frequency ranges and combinations thereof, that is cross-checking the distance based on different physical principles of sensory modules; Principles of new technology controls the distance the tool to the workpi

Creation of theoretical principles of an integrated system of early diagnosis and prediction of the development of vibration disease symptoms

On the basis of technology TONTOR reasonably new principles of integrated combination of sensors BTO system that will allow not only the early detection of disease, but also carry out preventive measures to detect vibration characteristics.

Creation of control and measuring system for support of ultrahigh accuracy at production of precision details of devices

Created: technical proposals for making new control and measuring system to support ultra-high precision manufacturing of parts in the instrument-making industry, which provides precision machining of metal and extension of the automated milling equipment with CNC type CNC; new integrated control and measuring tools, the use of which enhances the precision coordinate measurement surface touching the tool to the workpiece during processing due regard to spatial errors, which allows a significant reduction of process cycle measurement; principles for determining the dynamic loads on equipment

Creation of the theory of the information technological innovation of the diagnostic and research of the spectrums of biotechnical objects at treatment

The principles of the new concept of an integrated approach to the definition of the status of biological and biotechnological (BTO) of the objects in the application of drugs on the basis of analysis of the spectra of objects. The goal was the creation of the theoretical foundations of technology diagnosis of the condition of biological objects under the influence of drugs on the basis of mathematical modeling of basic information biotechnical processes of interaction of objects with external stimuli.

Creation of the information and diagnostic complex for control of the automated manufacturing material processing

Set of diagnostic information and diagnostic complex for control of the process of manufacturing parts high-precision instruments is creative.

Offered a new method for rapid analysis of the process of machining parts high-precision instrument, which is to assess the vibration and electromagnetic components of dynamics processing materials, providing the possibility of predicting critical or emergency process in automated manufacturing.

The creation of the electromagnetic nanoinstruments for the diagnostic of the technological system accuracy for the production precision details

Mathematical models of the positional error in working place of technological equipment are creative. Dependence of the spatial error of the positional of cutting tool and detail at occurrence in coordinate system is defined. Properly this severely have an influence on accuracy for the production precision details. Mathematical models and expediency theirs use at creation of express-system of the positional error definition are creative. Properly mathematical models of the zonal precision, as well as principles and guidelines of this used in technological processes.