Theoretical and experimental study of nanostructured functional materials perspective for gas sensors and optoelectronics

The work aims to create, experimental and theoretical study of nanostructured functional materials based on Si, Ge, C and ZnO in order to determine their fundamental properties for further use of these materials in optical and sensor electronics, in particular as electrically active elements, thin functional layers, light-emitting materials in optoelectronic devices, means of visualization, light indication and gas sensors and subwavelength optical micromechanical devices.

Sensoric equipment for environmental monitoring and technological principles of water purification based on the novel nanodisperse adsorption materials

Technological bases for obtaining the latest adsorption nanomaterials: magnetically controlled sorbents, nanocomposites with catalytic and photocatalytic properties (TiO2, ZrO2, Ag2O, SnO2, MnO2, RuO2, Pt, Au, Ag, Co2O3) • Co3O. The mechanism and technological bases of the offered nanomaterials' interaction with substances - pollutants against the background of their multi-component mixes are revealed.

Physics of high-speed electron-beam sintering of homogeneous and heterogeneous high-temperature materials

The development is devoted to high-speed electron-beam sintering of samples from metal and metal-ceramic materials based on refractory compounds. The basic laws of structure formation in the conditions of electron-beam sintering of metal and metal ceramic materials are established. Computer simulation methods have been used to study the effect of porosity and porous structure of samples sintered under electron-beam sintering conditions on their temperature field and thermal conductivity.

Study of thermohydraulic processes in the elements of heat removal systems for advanced nuclear engineering facilities

The formulation and conduct of this work are due to: 1) unacceptable uncertainty of temperature regimes of fuel elements (fuel rods) of promising reactors in conditions close to the deteriorated heat transfer (DHT); 2) the practical impossibility of studying the temperature regimes of fuel assemblies in real conditions of nuclear reactors (NR); 3) strengthening the priority focus on passive methods of heat dissipation in nuclear energy technologies; 4) the need to increase the efficiency and reliability of promising passive heat dissipation systems of the evaporation- condensation type (ECT

Creation of methods for plastic shaping of structures from a new welding alloy of the Al - Mg - Transition metals - Rare earth elements system with high mechanical properties for aerospace engineering

Methods have been developed to ensure high mechanical properties during plastic forming of structures of a new welding alloy of the Al - Mg- Transition Metals - Rare earth elements system for aerospace engineering. A two-stage approach to deformation has been developed, when at the first stage deformation is performed under conditions of large shear deformations for a more uniform redistribution of phase components and a decrease in the size of the grains - homogenization of the material due to mechanical action, and at the second stage - the formation of the structure.

The latest effective technologies for conditioning biochemically treated wastewater for industrial reuse

An analytical report on the main methods of wastewater conditioning has bee created. The analysis of the average composition of wastewater. Rational conditions for the synthesis of new specialized reactants for purification and electrochemical stabilization treatment of industrial and municipal biologically prepared wastewater have been selected.

The formation of structure, magnetic properties of nanoscale FePt(Pd) films by hydrogen heat treatmant for information magnetic recording of a high density

The scientific foundations for the accelerated formation of nanoscale, thermally stable films based on FePd, FePt with a magnetic-hard L1о phase for use as a medium of high-density magnetsc recording have been created. The influence of the chemical and mechanical factor of hydrogen action on the phase composition and structure, as well as the physical factor of the effect on the electronic structure of nanoscale films based on FePt and FePd doped with Au, Ag, Cu, and their magnetic properties was estimated and taken into account.

The formation of structure, magnetic properties of nanoscale FePt(Pd) films by hydrogen heat treatmant for information magnetic recording of a high density

The scientific foundations for the accelerated formation of nanoscale, thermally stable films based on FePd, FePt with a magnetic-hard L1о phase for use as a medium of high-density magnetsc recording have been created. The influence of the chemical and mechanical factor of hydrogen action on the phase composition and structure, as well as the physical factor of the effect on the electronic structure of nanoscale films based on FePt and FePd doped with Au, Ag, Cu, and their magnetic properties was estimated and taken into account.

Scientific and technical principles of creating devices for contact welding of biological tissues by DC pulses

According to the results of research work, the conditions for obtaining high-quality compounds in the process of contact welding of biological tissues with electrical pulses are determined. The dependences of the quality indicators of welded joints on the used form of welding pulses, which is characterized by the law of change of current (or power), amplitude and duration, are analyzed.

Development and investigation of powerful glow discharge electron gun for applying in the technology of obtaining of refractory and chemically active metals

Today, the necessity of development highly productive and metal-saving equipment for electron-beam melting of refractory and chemically active metals is stimulated by the needs of nuclear, aviation, space technology, chemical technology and the electronics industry in highly pure metals and alloys that retain high strength at high temperatures, chemical resistance and required electrical parameters. Electron beam vacuum melting is the most efficient way to obtain such materials.
