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The development of new probiotics based on lactic acid bacteria genus Lactobacillus
The principles of mathematical models development and simulation of actuators and mechatronic systems
Investigation of thermal regulating characteristics of the heat pipe systems for space instrument making
Development of die tooling configuration for realization of plastic deformation in cold forming of sheet metal and cold forging and obtaining products with increased reliability and durability
Development of the process production partially metallized iron-ore burden materials on the base ore-carbonic composition for traditional metallurgical technology
Development of discrete mathematical models of mixing and forming processes at preparation of new polymeric compositions.
The ophthalmological refractometer for the aberrational intraocular lens transplantation and aberrational contact lens selection
Study of electro-magneto-mechanical nanosystems based on antiferromagnetic materials and multiferroics
Production composition material and coatings from self-fluxing alloys and waste products of cemented carbide
Research and development of DSP-clinical audiometer for diagnostic of diseases of an ear
Theoretical and experimental studies of the morphology and optical properties of photochemically / thermally synthesized nanoparticles with characteristic surface plasmon resonance spectra
The elaboration resourse saving ecology safe technologies of processing of vegetal raw material stems in confumer goods
Development of the passive thermal control systems with heat pipes for the typical tasks of space instrument-making
Development of non-invasive technologies and high resolution systems for early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases
Jet and cavitation devices forimprovement of energy efficient mechatronic systems in machinebuilding
Design of processing technique reception and research of features application porous and nanoporous silicon for creation highly effective nanostructural photo-electric converters
Development of a new phenomenological models and general exploitation resource prediction method for construction elements made of composite materials in consideration of damage parameters.
Implementation of sustainable development principles into regional assessment, technologies and productions.
Mathematical modelling of forming processes of multycomponent polymeric composition materials by using of the directed physical and chemical modification
Intensification of heat exchange during chladones condensation and their composites inwardly pipes and channels including mini- and microchannels
Bezklinkernye inorganic binders with care tonnage thermal power plants - ash and wall products based on them
Development and research equalincreased heat transfer surfaces for gas turbine regenerators of Ukrainian gas transport system.
Development of integrated Receiver & Transmitter module in millimeter-wave band for wide band wireless access system
Complex of mechanical properties of aluminium based intermetallic compounds and their deformation and fracture features at the nanometre and micrometre scales.
Development of technologies and equipment for processing of worn-out tires and other rubber products
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