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Elaboration and investigation of gas discharge equipment for electron impulse beam evaporation and ion-plasma deposition of nanostructurized coatings
Creating Physical and chemical bases of control ultrathin structure kvaziviscous reinforced high temperature ceramics multifunctional use
Development of bases of design of stochastic processes in chemical technology taking into account the possible terms of incomplete information about the heterogenic systems.
Research methods and models of sustainable development and transformations processes in the large socio - economic systems
Development of technology and equipment for profiling of corrugated and ribbed tubes and creation of high-performance heat exchangers
Methods and tools for structural and parametric identification of electrical systems, processing line for the production of domestic cable with polymer-insulated extra-high voltage
Developing models and methods of the integrated systems management and control of energy use efficiency
Sol-gel synthesis of nanomaterials based on layered silicates for toxicants removal from waters
Technology of combined energy-efficient power stations with integrated use of distribution generation and smart-technologies
Supportive sustainable economic growth in Ukraine based on modeling the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators
Micro-and nanostructured processes in the surface layers of the structural alloys under conditions of the high-energy processing.
Creation of scientific foundations mass transfer processes in open electrochemical systems of gas sensors
Formation of stable nanoscaled magnetic FePt films for high-density magnetic recording and information storage
Biotechnological production of energy and energy carriers from wastes of different origin
Measurement system and software for marine security systems and research platforms
Elaboration of models, methods and software complex for optimization of investment portfolio in condition of uncertainty.
Creation of the generalized discrete model of processes of forming of polymeric wares taking into account the tensely-deformed state of structural elements of machines at the complex thermal-force stress.
Development of high-energy and resource-saving technological bases of the processes of manufacture of constructional polymer composites
Differential games of pursuit with the quality functional and their application to problems of dynamic resource allocation
Spectral characteristics of magnetically ordered low-dimensional nano- and micro-objects in the exchange mode
The development of methods of prolongation of reliable and economical operation energy generating objects during variable mode of operation
Investigation of ions of heavy metal extraction from waste waters mechanisms by magnetocontrolled biosorption
System control by the operability, the survivability and the safety of the complex technical systems in the conditions of different nature uncertainties and destabilizing risk factors
Making technology and precision processing of new bearing materials with increased wear resistance based on alloy steels wastes
The theory research of temperature field of biofuels termoanemometrychnoho new flow using algorithmic methods, apparatus of artificial neural networks
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