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Detection of defects in devices with thermal sensors
Algebraic-probabilistic methods of investigation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols resistans and effectiveness
Generalized correlation of nanocrystalline structure and mechanical properties formation in Fe-based alloys during severe plastic deformation.
Corrosion protection of steel in condition of the operation of new energy-saving generators - contact water heaters
Development of models and methods integrated management systems for effective energy education facilities
Monomolecular nanowires and nanosemiconductors based on dopated diamondoids.
Dynamic analysis of threats priorities economic dimension of sustainable development administrative - territorial units of Ukraine
Device for measuring of clinical focus of presbiopic eye
Technological processes of coating with surface modification by streams of comp rational plasma
Heat transfer physical process at miniaturization an evaporation-condensing thermal stabilization systems
Increasing of the efficiency and serviceability of equipment of power plants and small engineering during variable mode of operation
Physical-technical principles of the constructional and technological solutions on the thin-film nanocrystalline silicon solar cells and heterojunction А3В5 solar cells
Thermomolecular energetics: investigation of thermodynamic functions and hysteresis nature in the “compression-expansion” processes of the normal and configurational clathrates
Analysis of modern risks in business energy market and ways to minimize them in the sustainable development of the state
The research of the resistance and effectiveness of information security cryptographic algorithms and their implementations using additional data
The integrated shaper of high-speed dataflows and TV for digital modernization of radiorelay lines
Development of methodology, software and hardware systems, diagnosis and management of power boilers
Dewelopment of powerful self-reactance emitter of sound is for creation of the local acoustic field of high intensity
Development of highly efficient process and technological principles of ecologically pure nitrogen-calcium fertilizer containing humic
Heterogeneous environment with dynamic architecture for high-performance data processing in distributed information systems
Digital microwave relay system of terahertz range with the use of nanoelectronic сomponents
Research and development of the technology of medical stents manufacturing by means of laser milling
Fundamental principles of the new creation methods for the synthesis of nanocomposites and nanostructured materials with specified functional properties (Comprehensive Project)
Development of technology for forming bilayer, resources preserving, corrugated plastic pipe products
Scientific principles, methods and techniques to reduce the impact of low-frequency oscillations in the power modes of the United Power System
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