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Development of eco-efficient technological processes and evaluation of environmental sustainability and safety of production systems, industrial objects and territorial units (complex project)
Modern conception, methodological basics and means of sustainable progress Ukrainian Energy sector development
Development of theory of designing for machine tools of new composition on basis of system’s analysis and synthesis of mechanisms with parallel structure
Developing specialized knowledge bases for recursive parser of weakly connected originated natural language text information and Web-applications
Development of GPS-systems of ultra-small space vehicles attitude control.
Creation of the information and diagnostic complex for control of the automated manufacturing material processing
Specialized Computer System for Diagnosting and Reliability Calculation of Reconfigurable Fault-tolerant Multiprocessor Systems
The Multipurpose hardware and software system of non-invasive diagnostic with synergetic approach to therapies and with diagnostic and therapeutic sign validation
Development of technology of echoscreening of newborns for diagnostics of diseases of an ear
Development of the information system for the foresight process support
Research and development of technological bases for increasing of efficiency plasma spray coatings with magnetic acts.
Parallel algorithms for nonlinear modeling of dynamic objects on a supercomputer.
The general theory of definition of loading of a cutting part of an edge tool.
Influence of magnetic field on auto-oscillating processes on interface surface conductor-electrolyte.
Highselective resonant-tunneeling crystal-like signal processing devices.
Research and theoretical studies of new precision inertial navigation system in extreme conditions using neural networks
Adaptive hydraulic system of effective power take-off of independent eco-clean renewable energy sources
Development and introduction educational-experimental settings from the production of diesel biopropellant
Research and Development on High Performance Solar Water Heating Plant of the New Kind and Containing Heat Pipes as a Core
Development equalincreased heat transfer surfaces for gas turbine regenerators of gas transport systems and research their heat-aerodynamics characteristics
Development and investigation of the methods for adaptive forecasting and statistical identification based on non-linear dynamic models of physical and economic processes
The study, simulation and development of storage elements and devices with destructive and non-destructive readout on nanoscale ferroelectric films
LXI-compliant heterogeneous microcontroller systems for remote technical monitoring
Development of technology for production of nanocrystalline silicon films based on amorphous Si-Sn-C and control methods and the pn-junction structure
Detection of defects in devices with thermal sensors
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