Completed research works
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» 2011
An Improvement of Ground Surveillance Optoelectronic System's Functional and Tactical Properties
Applied system analysis and system engineering of information-communication systems
Architectural conception and network processor development which provide intelectual data processing.
Automatic control of heat power plant in changing operation modes
Complex of mechanical properties of aluminium based intermetallic compounds and their deformation and fracture features at the nanometre and micrometre scales.
Creating a comprehensive conditioning technology saline water for municipal and industrial water use.
Creation of information and measurement system for cours and trim based on surface acoustic accelerometers
Creation of scientific and technological foundations for the development of advanced high-performance heat transfer surfaces.
Creation of the generalized discrete model of processes of forming of polymeric wares taking into account the tensely-deformed state of structural elements of machines at the complex thermal-force stress.
Design and development of telecommunication devices on the basis of metamaterialiv and integral multi-layered technologies
Design processing technique of reception focused films of nitride aluminium with piezoelectric properties for organization functional MEMS-structures in nanoelectronic meshes.
Developing effective methods of maintaining soil fertility in accordance with the paradigm of sustainable development.
Developing specialized knowledge bases for recursive parser of weakly connected originated natural language text information and Web-applications
Development and investigation of perspective miniature energy saving devices on based of evaporating - condensation cycle.
Development and research equalincreased heat transfer surfaces for gas turbine regenerators of Ukrainian gas transport system.
Development and research of the cogeneration system "Vodoliy" and its operation on combined fuel.
Development complex express-diagnostics of the functional condition biological object.
Development new resource saving technology of recovery toxic components of water treatment waste.
Development of a new phenomenological models and general exploitation resource prediction method for construction elements made of composite materials in consideration of damage parameters.
Development of an undestracting tomographic means for complex impedance and structural parameters of spatially spased nonmutual objects definition.
Development of bases of creation of nano- and picosatellites as space microlaboratories.
Development of bases of design of stochastic processes in chemical technology taking into account the possible terms of incomplete information about the heterogenic systems.
Development of discrete mathematical models of mixing and forming processes at preparation of new polymeric compositions.
Development of mathematical models of choice of the optimum modes and perspective development of system connections of grids of Ukraine
Development of methodology, software and hardware systems, diagnosis and management of power boilers
Development of new high-precision technology for echo sounding in acoustic multimode wave guides and creation of hardware&software complex for its implementation
Development of non-invasive technologies and high resolution systems for early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases
Development of technologies for the production of wall materials based on organic binders hardening contact with silica as a component of waste power plants.
Development of the scenario analysis platform within the bounds sustainable
Development of theoretical foundations of designing diffractive optical elements and systems based on them.
Development of theory of designing for machine tools of new composition on basis of system’s analysis and synthesis of mechanisms with parallel structure
Economic measure of sustainable development of Ukrainian districs and regions
Elaboration of models, methods and software complex for optimization of investment portfolio in condition of uncertainty.
Elaboration of scientific fundamentals of building of microcontroller power sources for creation of the new technology of information protection in computer systems
Electronic processes in the breakdown electric fields in the polytypes of silicon carbide
Formation regularities of the biocompatible coatings on titanium and iron alloys for artificial limbs and medical instruments
Fundamentals of adaptive electromechanical control systems based on vector-controlled AC motors under incomplete information.
Generalized correlation of nanocrystalline structure and mechanical properties formation in Fe-based alloys during severe plastic deformation.
Hierarchical Internet-oriented microserver systems for remote experimental data asquisition and processing
Highselective resonant-tunneeling crystal-like signal processing devices.
Implementation of sustainable development principles into regional assessment, technologies and productions.
Influence of magnetic field on auto-oscillating processes on interface surface conductor-electrolyte.
Intellectual selforganized radionetworks.
Investigation of ions of heavy metal extraction from waste waters mechanisms by magnetocontrolled biosorption
Investigation of low-pressure discharges for elaboration of equipment and technology for pulse electron-beam evaporation and ion-plasma deposition of nanostructurized coatings.
Investigation of the processes and development of high efficiency resource-saving ecological-safety technology of deep arsenic removal from water
Investigation of the system of high concentration fuel supply under the pressure for highreaction fuels and energysaving gas burners for boilers.
Mathematical modelling of forming processes of multycomponent polymeric composition materials by using of the directed physical and chemical modification
Methods of the organization of monitoring information-analytical systems for scientific and educational purpose on the basis of highly productive computing cluster technologies.
Micro-and nanostructured processes in the surface layers of the structural alloys under conditions of the high-energy processing.
Monomolecular nanowires and nanosemiconductors based on dopated diamondoids.
Multiagent system of information resources integration and information processing in distributed information - telecommunication environment.
Nanosized metal oxides: synthesis, structure, physico-chemical and electrochemical properties, applications.
Optimization of new technology for industrial production of cables with solid polymeric insulation for improvement of energetic networks of ultrahigh voltages.
Parallel algorithms for nonlinear modeling of dynamic objects on a supercomputer.
Physical principles of nanostructure state in high temperature alloys under friction stir treatment of flat and complex shaped surfaces.
Production composition material and coatings from self-fluxing alloys and waste products of cemented carbide
Research and development of technological bases for increasing of efficiency plasma spray coatings with magnetic acts.
Research and development of the technology of laser cutting of medical implants (stents).
Research of actual problems of theory of random processes, mathematical analysis and boundary-value problems of mathematical physics
Resource-safe synthesis technology and finish treatment of high-temperature bearing materials on the basis of tool manufactures wastes.
Scientific and technological government a structure and properties of castings multicomponent alloys of the system of Al-Mg bases.
Simulation of processes of phase-to-phase interaction at an arc welding and a building-up welding under a fluxing stone
Specialized Computer System for Diagnosting and Reliability Calculation of Reconfigurable Fault-tolerant Multiprocessor Systems
Structure building in technical dispersions under lockal change of hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of clay surface by functional additives.
The application of modern information technology to create intelligent technology systems and technologies, and the creation of means to improve manufacturing quality products
The creation of cast barriered shell for bimetalle and combined hydrogen-storage balloons
The development of high selective sorptive ceramic materials for water basin protection from heavy metal natural radionuclide contamination
The general theory of definition of loading of a cutting part of an edge tool.
The trial model of the system for oncological disease treatment with photodynamic therapy method.
Theoretical and experimental studies of the morphology and optical properties of photochemically / thermally synthesized nanoparticles with characteristic surface plasmon resonance spectra
Theoretical bases of construction of mobile broadband radioaccess systems of millimeter wave band.
Thermomolecular energetics: investigation of thermodynamic functions and hysteresis nature in the “compression-expansion” processes of the normal and configurational clathrates
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