Completed research works
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» 2013
Bezklinkernye inorganic binders with care tonnage thermal power plants - ash and wall products based on them
Creation low-waste of technology baromembranes of clearing mineralized of waters
Creation of resonant energy-efficient installation for the certification tests of domestic cables with modern insulation on high and ultra-high voltages
Creation of the theory of the information technological innovation of the diagnostic and research of the spectrums of biotechnical objects at treatment
Development equalincreased heat transfer surfaces for gas turbine regenerators of gas transport systems and research their heat-aerodynamics characteristics
Development of eco-efficient technological processes and evaluation of environmental sustainability and safety of production systems, industrial objects and territorial units (complex project)
Development of high-energy and resource-saving technological bases of the processes of manufacture of constructional polymer composites
Development of highly efficient process and technological principles of ecologically pure nitrogen-calcium fertilizer containing humic
Development of methodology and mathematical foundations of the quantitative evaluation processes of the sustainable development and the impact of global threats in global and regional contexts
Development of multispectral monitoring complex for prevention of environment failures, extraordinary situations and liquidation of their consequences
Development of scientific and technical means of non-destructive diagnostics of domestic superhigh-voltage cables of world level to improve their operational reliability and service life
Development of technology for production of nanocrystalline silicon films based on amorphous Si-Sn-C and control methods and the pn-junction structure
Development of the information system for the foresight process support
Development of the process production partially metallized iron-ore burden materials on the base ore-carbonic composition for traditional metallurgical technology
Development of theoretical and technological foundations of obtaining the modern multifunctional powder-constructive materials with participation of self-fluxing alloys
Development of theoretical foundation for creation of high-performance computer systems with run-time parallelization of computational processes
Development of theory of construction and syntes plural coordinations microsystems end sensors of a mesurement of use ip end nano-microtechnology
Development of tools for building complex multicomponent models
Dewelopment of powerful self-reactance emitter of sound is for creation of the local acoustic field of high intensity
Differential games of pursuit with the quality functional and their application to problems of dynamic resource allocation
Dynamic analysis of threats priorities economic dimension of sustainable development administrative - territorial units of Ukraine
Elaboration and investigation of gas discharge equipment for electron impulse beam evaporation and ion-plasma deposition of nanostructurized coatings
Higheffective signal processing devices on two-phase crystal-like structures
Hydrodynamics end Heat Transfer in Warmer of air with warm crystalization
Increasing compressor stations efficiency due to using “Aquarius” technology for gas turbine engine heat utilization
Increasing of the efficiency and serviceability of equipment of power plants and small engineering during variable mode of operation
LXI-compliant heterogeneous microcontroller systems for remote technical monitoring
Making technology and precision processing of new bearing materials with increased wear resistance based on alloy steels wastes
Methods and tools for information support automated import objects from graphical data encryption
Methods to build platform-independent parallel computer-aided circuit design systems with Internet-access
Non-linear methods for decisions making processes under uncertainty conditions
Research and development of the technology of medical stents manufacturing by means of laser milling
Research and development on high performance methods for ensuring thermal regimes of NTUU "KPI" nanosatellite
Research and theoretical studies of new precision inertial navigation system in extreme conditions using neural networks
Research methods and models of sustainable development and transformations processes in the large socio - economic systems
Research methods to increase the capacity of telecommunication broadband radioaccess systems, taking into account the requirements for error-rate performance
Scientific principles, methods and techniques to improve the efficiency of automatic control modes of power system with renewable energy sources
Sol-gel synthesis of nanomaterials based on layered silicates for toxicants removal from waters
Study of electro-magneto-mechanical nanosystems based on antiferromagnetic materials and multiferroics
Systems engineering of the financial-investment informatization projects and the prognosis enterprise bankruptcy risks
Technological processes of coating with surface modification by streams of comp rational plasma
Technology of combined energy-efficient power stations with integrated use of distribution generation and smart-technologies
The development of architecture and technology of processing corporative distributed data sources in Cloud Computing environment based on the metamodels with their dynamic interpretation
The mathematical models and methods for planning and decision making in complex systems under uncertainty
The Multipurpose hardware and software system of non-invasive diagnostic with synergetic approach to therapies and with diagnostic and therapeutic sign validation
Theoretical and experimental basis for the creation of a new class of sensors terahertz range
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