Completed research works
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» 2012
Adaptive hydraulic system of effective power take-off of independent eco-clean renewable energy sources
Analysis of modern risks in business energy market and ways to minimize them in the sustainable development of the state
Biotechnological production of energy and energy carriers from wastes of different origin
Corrosion protection of steel in condition of the operation of new energy-saving generators - contact water heaters
Creating Physical and chemical bases of control ultrathin structure kvaziviscous reinforced high temperature ceramics multifunctional use
Creation of energy saving and seismically safe blasting technologies for quarry mining
Creation of scientific foundations mass transfer processes in open electrochemical systems of gas sensors
Creation of the electrochemical gas sensor for determining hydrogen sulfide in the air and technological environments
Creation of the information and diagnostic complex for control of the automated manufacturing material processing
Design and implementation of the virtual service platforms clouds technologies in virtual personal cabinet service for scientists
Design of processing technique reception and research of features application porous and nanoporous silicon for creation highly effective nanostructural photo-electric converters
Developing models and methods of the integrated systems management and control of energy use efficiency
Developing technological foundations spot welding dissimilar materials with guaranteed quality connections
Development and implementation of methodology for intellectual data analysis using Bayesian networks theory and regression analysis
Development and investigation on the newly profiled heat pipes application to solar collectors with selective coating of the absorber
Development and research of mathematical models and methods of analysis, synthesis and management by the large informatively-telecommunications systems
Development of die tooling configuration for realization of plastic deformation in cold forming of sheet metal and cold forging and obtaining products with increased reliability and durability
Development of high-power hybrid power supply on the basis of batteries of supercapacitors and accumulators for ecological vehicles
Development of integrated technology systems based on modern information technology and automatic control systems of product's manufacturing quality
Development of interval methods with the use of conception of vagueness for the increase of exactness of estimation of results of the control measurings of parameters of informing signals
Development of multichannel transmitters short-centimeter-wave systems for multiple radio access
Development of new electro-acoustic device for medical diagnostics, namely acoustic thermometer of internal temperature of body of man
Development of paradigm and Software integration of distributed information systems with dynamic interpretation of data processing and control metamodels for intercorporate level
Development of scientific and methodical bases of structural foresight technology and recommendations about its use in innovative projects in Electromechanics
Development of technologies and equipment for processing of worn-out tires and other rubber products
Development of technology for forming bilayer, resources preserving, corrugated plastic pipe products
Development of the methodic and model of the vibroacoustical signal processing system for the information-diagnosis complex of rotation systems
Development of the passive thermal control systems with heat pipes for the typical tasks of space instrument-making
Development of the special methods of theory of the field and perfection on their basis of spatial stochastic technological systems of metal-cutting machine-tools
Development the prinсiples of construction multifactor monitoring and functional diagnostics electromechanical systems for stationary plants at mining enterprises
Device for measuring of clinical focus of presbiopic eye
Digital microwave relay system of terahertz range with the use of nanoelectronic сomponents
Effectiveness increase of wireless communication network operation by radio signals of distributed antenna systems spatial-temporal processing
Formation of stable nanoscaled magnetic FePt films for high-density magnetic recording and information storage
Fundamental bases of the organochemical leaching of the metals coloured, rare-earth and precious from mineral natural and second technogenic raw material
Hydrodinamics and heat-mass exchange in steam-gas-fluid bubble exchangers
Improving organizational and economic management mechanisms status, receive investment-innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine (for example, machine-building industry)
Investigation of passive evaporative condensing heat transfer systems to improve the safe operation of nuclear power equipment
Investigation of statistical characteristics of partially coherent laser beams for application in optical communication systems
Investigation of the novel semiconductor materials and compounds for implementation in the low-dimensional electron devices manufacturing technologies
Jet and cavitation devices forimprovement of energy efficient mechatronic systems in machinebuilding
Measurement system and software for marine security systems and research platforms
Methodology for building information systems with intelligent making decision
Methods and means for optimizing the operational basis of specialized Grid-oriented computing structures
Methods of the automated projection of analytical models of tools machinery and systems of projection of effective technologies of their manufacturing
Methods of the organization of highly effective specialized repositories of scientific and educational purpose based on cluster computing technologies
Modelling of the formation and propagation of cracks in the construction of chemical equipment from operational factors
Optimization of the modes of exploitation of hybrid ekomobil is on the base of photo-electric batteries and biodiesel fuel
Physical - chemical bases of forming of oxide-carbidic-nitrided coverages with participation transitional metals on alloys
Power saving and adaptive complex of impuls and resonance action for extraction oil deposits and minerals
Printing ink composition development and research of the reproduction technology for the full-color images while printing on non-absorbing substrates
Research and development of DSP-clinical audiometer for diagnostic of diseases of an ear
Research and engineering the frequency selective devices on the basis of dielectric resonators of the infrared wavelength range
Research methods development and definitions of the microwave characteristics of the latest isotropic and anisotropic materials and nanoscale films
Research of structure formation processes and creation of the theory of intensive plastic deformation of aluminium-lithium and titanium alloys
System for measurement and study of electrical parameters in energy saving electrical converters
System research and practical testing methodology to assess the complex geological processes
The capabilities extension of electronic tuning filters with solid-state construction
The development and research of the coordinating optimization and control systems of the technical, economical and social processes
The development of a system of preventing emergency situations and their consequences for small manned and unmanned aircrafts
The development of new probiotics based on lactic acid bacteria genus Lactobacillus
The development of the toolkit of the guaranteed operation security of the complex technical systems in the conditions of the uncertainties and the multifactor risks
The elaboration resourse saving ecology safe technologies of processing of vegetal raw material stems in confumer goods
The gas discharge decreasing in the great and small energetic and on Ukraine compression stations on the basis of introductions of closed gas turbine and thermodynamically forced two-fuels monic technology
The multidisciplinary complex development of the distributed computing based on Web services
The research of the resistance and effectiveness of information security cryptographic algorithms and their implementations using additional data
The study, simulation and development of storage elements and devices with destructive and non-destructive readout on nanoscale ferroelectric films
The theory of structural-parametric geometric modeling as a means to optimize the complex processes of computer-aided design
Theorethical and applied tasks of security of comlex systems
Thermal processes at growh of non-activated scintillational materials
Working out of energy effective processes and the equipment for manufacture of different function polymeric pipes
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